The Power of Walnut & Dried Cranberries
Date : Thursday, 8 July 2021
Brand focus : Selma walnut & Selma Dried Cranberries
Type Activity : Webinar
Platform : Zoom
Total Audience : 215 participant
Demostrator : Chef Okke (Head of Technical Prambanan Kencana), Erma Sophia (Brand Manager Prambanan Kencana), Handy Wijaya (Senior Sales & Marketing Prambanan Kencana)
Segment : Bakeshops, Shops, Hotels
The event was divided into 2 sessions, where the first
session was filled by speakers and the second session
was a mini baking demo run by the chefs.
1. The speakers are Brand and Marketing specialists who
provide more product knowledge of walnuts and
cranberry from selma about the benefits, uses, quality
and product applications.
2. Chefs provide dishes in the form of making menus
which are the result of product applications