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Get to Know Angel Instant Yeast Better


Hi bakery lovers, you must be familiar with one of the most important bread-making ingredients, yeast. One of the most widely used yeast today is Angel Instant Yeast. 

Here, we will get to know more about Angel instant yeast. Starting from what Angel instant yeast is, what variants are available, the differences between each variant, and examples of food applications that can be tried using Angel Instant Yeast. Curious? Let's see the explanation below!

Related Post: Get to Know the Types of Yeast and Their Functions in Breads

What is Angel Instant Yeast?

Angel instant yeast is a popular type of instant yeast that is easily found in the market. This yeast is made from Saaccharomyces Cerevisiae microorganisms that have been dried and processed so that they can be used directly without the need to be activated first. Angel instant yeast provides various types of yeast with stable fermentation performance.

Variant Angel Instant Yeast

Angel instant yeast comes in several variants that can be customized to suit your bread-making needs.

1. Angel Instant Yeast Gold Premium

This variant is the perfect choice for bread making with excellent fermentation, faster proofing time, and higher volume. 

Angel instant yeast gold premium is perfect for sweet breads with sugar content above 5%. Peekay pals can try applying this yeast to make sweet bread, white bread, donuts, buns, burgers, and hotdog buns.

2. Angel Instant Yeast Blue

This variant is the perfect choice for bread making with excellent, stable fermentation and is good for breads with sugar levels below 5%. It is suitable for food applications such as rolls, baguettes and European breads.

3. Angel Instant Yeast Brown

This variant is a premium yeast with fast, stable fermentation quality and is good for bread with sugar content above 5%-25%. Peekay pals can try applying this yeast to make sweet bread, white bread, donuts, buns, burgers, and hotdog buns.

4. Angel Instant Yeast White

This variant is the perfect choice of instant yeast as it is the most economically priced of the other yeast variants. It has excellent fermentation quality and is suitable for doughs with sugar content above 5%. 

Angel instant yeast white has a stable fermentation process in dough that contains calcium. Peekay pals can try applying this yeast to make sweet bread, white bread, donuts, buns, burgers, and hotdog buns.

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Well, those are the various variants available from Angel Instant Yeast. By knowing the differences, Peekay friends can make the right choice with their needs and preferences in making bread. Angel Instant Yeast is available at Prambanan Kencana, so what are you waiting for? Let's explore your bread with Angel Instant Yeast.


PT. Prambanan Kencana FOODBAY