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Interesting Bread Fillings to Try

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It's a light yet filling food, especially if it's not bread. Bread has become a favorite food for Indonesians. It's easy to find bread, from peddlers, bakeries, to supermarkets. 

One of the best parts of bread is the filling. Apart from being a complement and enhancer of delicious taste, bread fillings also have quite a lot of nutritional content and good benefits such as vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fiber and so on. 

There are various types of bread that are popular in the world, ranging from white bread, to bagguete. In this article we will get acquainted with the popular types of bread, and various interesting bread fillings that Peekay pals must try. Let's see the discussion!

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Popular types of bread

1. Baguette Bread

This bread comes from France, baguette bread is in great demand by bread lovers. Its crispy texture and savory taste make this bread very popular with many people. Baguette is long, dry in texture, but soft on the inside. 

2. Fresh Bread

As the name "unsalted" suggests, this bread has a plain or neutral flavor that can be easily customized by consumers by adding fillings, and toppings. White bread is made from wheat flour. However, there are many other types of white bread, such as whole wheat white bread, and also multigrain.

3. Torn Bread

Torn bread is a type of bread that can be enjoyed by tearing it first. That's why it's called torn bread. Torn bread has a softer texture than plain bread. And this bread has a wide selection of fillings such as cheese, chocolate, pandanus, crickets and so on.

4. Stuffed Bread

One of the most popular types of bread, especially in Indonesia, is bread filled with various fillings. We can create this bread with various fillings or fillings that are sweet or savory, according to taste. Uniquely, stuffed bread usually has a variety of different shapes according to the filling. 

5. Muffin

No less popular than other breads are muffins. This type of bread has a unique shape that is round, and its soft, hollow texture makes this type of bread much loved by many people. Muffins are usually served as a snack or for breakfast. Besides being eaten directly, most people eat it by adding honey or jam on top.

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Inspiration for Interesting Bread Fillings

There are various kinds of bread fillings that we often encounter. Classic fillings such as chocolate may be common, but what if Peekay pals try other unique creations? Here are some bread filling ideas that Peekay pals can try.

Green Beans

Green bean filling is an interesting option that Peekay pals can try. The sweet combination of tender mung beans never fails to make a delicious bread filling. 

Red Bean

Red beans are a commonly used filling in breads and pastries in East Asia. Red beans are cooked with sugar to a thick paste that is sweet and red in color. It is a rich and sweet filling that gives the bread a unique flavor.

Pineapple Fruit

Pineapple filling is a flavor option that Peekay friends can try. This filling gives the bread a fresh, sweet and slightly sour taste. Peekay pals can try pineapple pieces or it can also be in the form of jam or filling. The combination of the sweetness of the bread with the freshness of the pineapple can be very enjoyable.


The last bread filling that Peekay pals can try is durian. The strong aroma and unique flavor of durian can be an interesting choice for bread creations, especially for durian lovers, this filling is a must-try.

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Those are the various types of bread fillings that Peekay friends can try. Don't forget to use Yu-Ai Filling products. There are various flavors ranging from mung bean to durian. Yu-Ai filling paste is very suitable to be applied for filling bread, buns, pia, mochi & pastry. What are you waiting for, immediately get the product and create it with your food application.


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