Are there other sources of carbohydrates besides rice? Of course there are, rice has become a daily staple in Indonesia. However, it is different in other countries such as Europe and America. Some use wheat as their staple food, some use corn and potatoes. Peekay pals can try it as an alternative to rice.
This time we will get to know more about Mashed Potato or mashed potatoes. Mashed Potato is a food originating from France, usually mashed potatoes are enjoyed with steaks, salads, or as a substitute for rice. Because of its low calories, mashed potato is often used as a diet menu as a source of carbohydrates.
Interestingly, now making mashed potato is very easy, because instant packaged mashed potato is available. It is very easy to make, and very practical to carry or use as a daily menu. In this article, Peekay pals will find interesting and easy mashed potato recipes. Let's see the explanation below.
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Mashed potato is a dish made from potatoes that are boiled, mashed, and mixed with other ingredients such as butter, milk, broccoli or other additives. Mashed potatoes are usually used as a side dish in various dishes such as grilled meat, sauces, or vegetables as a complement.
Quoting from fatsecret, in 1 serving of mashed potato (55g), the following nutritional content in mashed potato:
From this content, it is not surprising that mashed potatoes are widely used as a choice of diet menu to replace rice. Plus making it is now very easy, because instant Mashed Potato is available. Fine potato powder that can be directly brewed with hot water, has the taste and texture of real potatoes.
The instant Mashed Potato recommendation that Peekay pals must try is Engel Mashed Potato. There are Engel Mashed Potato Broccoli and Engel Mashed Potato With Milk. The mixture of broccoli and milk in the mashed potato makes this dish even more delicious and healthy.
In addition, Engel Mashed Potato products also have large packaging for Peekay friends who have a food business, or for stock ingredients, namely 2 Kg / Pack to 25 Kg / Bag, which can last up to 1 year more. Engel Potatoes Flakes Dehydrate and Potatoes Mashed Granules Nature. For details, Peekay friends can check here.
Cheese potato bread is a type of bread that combines cheese and potatoes into the dough, creating a delicious bread with a touch of cheese. The addition of cheese and potatoes not only enhances the flavor but also gives the bread a creamy texture. This bread is versatile and can be served as a side dish, for sandwiches, or simply enjoyed on its own. Here are the ingredients and how to make it:
Mashed potato (Fillings) :
Outer Skin :
Dip :
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All products recommended in this article and their ingredients can be easily found at Prambanan Kencana. You can visit the nearest Foodbay store. Or you can buy through our marketplace and webstore, Foodbay and Fingerland. Or you can also contact WhatsApp PRB Care.