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5 Tips for Choosing the Best Quality Fresh Tomatoes

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Tomato is a popular vegetable that is loved by many people. The fresh taste makes tomatoes very delicious when processed into various dishes or eaten directly. However, the myth says tomatoes will lose their taste if stored in the refrigerator. Is that right? It turns out, the key is in choosing high-quality tomatoes from the start.

Here are 5 tips for carefully choosing the highest quality fresh tomatoes so they last longer and become even more delicious when processed:

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1. Choose tomatoes that still show green color

Freshly picked tomatoes generally still leave a green color at the base or top. This is a sign that the tomato is not fully ripe. This green color actually indicates that the tomatoes were picked in prime condition, so the quality and nutrients are maintained. Green tomatoes last longer and don't spoil as quickly during storage. The sweet and fresh flavor will also come out more when cooked.

2. The skin is smooth with no blemishes or bruises

Scars, blisters or dark spots on tomatoes indicate that they are not of prime quality. It's a sign that the tomatoes are overripe or have premature spoilage. Choose tomatoes with smooth skin texture and an even red color without spots. This is an indication of the freshest and best quality tomatoes.

3. Check the base of the trunk

When picking tomatoes from the tree, farmers usually leave a little part of the tomato stem. Now, pay attention to the green color of this stem. If the stem is still fresh and bright green, it is an indication that the tomato has just been picked. But if it is brownish or black, beware the tomatoes have been too long after picking.

4. Press the surface with your finger

A good fresh tomato will feel springy and firm when pressed, not mushy or dented. Compare with other tomatoes to determine which one is the best. If your finger leaves a hollow mark on the surface of the tomato, don't pick it up.

5. Smell the aroma

Fresh tomatoes have a distinctive aroma that combines fruit, flowers and grasses. Rotten tomatoes, on the other hand, have a pungent or sour smell that pierces the nose.

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So it's pretty easy to choose superior tomatoes, right? But for Peekay friends who don't have much time to shop, there is still a more practical alternative to quality fresh tomatoes. Tomato Victoria is the answer, this product is available in various types such as Chopped Tomato, Tomato Sauce, Whole Peeled Tomato, to Strained Tomato. The flavor of Victoria tomatoes is so authentically fresh, typical of organic farm tomatoes. The texture is soft, the color is naturally red, and the lycopene and vitamin content is maintained.


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